DLA - Laborvergleichsuntersuchungen
Lebensmittel, Kosmetik und Bedarfsgegenstände seit 2004

DLA - Proficiency Testing
Food, Cosmetic Products and Contact Materials since 2004

# # # The special ALLERGEN PT concept # # #
With incurred and spiked allergen recovery rates and z-scores.
For maximum information on the performance of your allergen analysis!


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Unsere Produkte im Überblick:

Overview of our products:

Laborvergleichsuntersuchungen (LVU) bzw.
Eignungsprüfungen (EP) [mehr]

Proficiency Testing Programs (PT) [more]

Einzel-Eignungsprüfungen (EEP) [mehr]

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Monatlich aktuelle Versandinformationen

Monthly up-to-date Shipment Information

unsere LVUs im April 2025: [zur Anmeldung]

  • ptCO01  Cosmetic Products I: Panthenol and Preservatives (Benzoic Acid, Methyl-, Propylparaben, Phenoxyethanol, Sorbic Acid) in Body Lotion Abgesagt!*

  • ptGMS1 GMO-Screening I (qualitative): 5 Samples with positive and negative amounts of p-35S, t-NOS, p-FMV, CTP2:CP4 EPSPS, PAT, BAR / Maize + GMO-Maize (MIR604 and Bt176) and Soya + GMO-Soya (RR GTS 40-3-2, RR2 MON89788, DAS-44406) (Versand 09.04.2025, Anmeldeschluss 02.04.2025)

  • ptAL04  Allergens IV: Celery, Mustard and Sesame in Spice Salt [Samples A + B] and "Spiking Level Sample“ [SP] (Versand 15.04.2025, Anmeldeschluss 08.04.2025)

  • ptCM05 Tattoo Product / PMU: Analysis of 13 Elements in Permanent Make-Up (PMU) Ink / Tattoo Product For Microblading (As (total), Ba, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Hg (total), Ni, Pb, Sb, Se, Sn, Zn) (Versand 23.04.2025, Anmeldeschluss 16.04.2025)*

Our PTs in April 2025: [register here]

  • ptCO01  Cosmetic Products I: Panthenol and Preservatives (Benzoic Acid, Methyl-, Propylparaben, Phenoxyethanol, Sorbic Acid) in Body Lotion Cancelled!*

  • ptGMS1 GMO-Screening I (qualitative): 5 Samples with positive and negative amounts of p-35S, t-NOS, p-FMV, CTP2:CP4 EPSPS, PAT, BAR / Maize + GMO-Maize (MIR604 and Bt176) and Soya + GMO-Soya (RR GTS 40-3-2, RR2 MON89788, DAS-44406)(shipment 09/04/2025, registration deadline 02/04/2025)

    ptAL04  Allergens IV: Celery, Mustard and Sesame in Spice Salt [Samples A + B] and "Spiking Level Sample“ [SP] (shipment 15/04/2025, registration deadline 08/04/2025)

    ptCM05 Tattoo Product / PMU: Analysis of 13 Elements in Permanent Make-Up (PMU) Ink / Tattoo Product For Microblading (As (total), Ba, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Hg (total), Ni, Pb, Sb, Se, Sn, Zn) (shipment 23/04/2025, registration deadline 16/04/2025)*

unsere LVUs im März 2025: [zur Anmeldung]

  • ptALS1  Allergen-Screening I - 4 Samples qualitative: Almond, Brazil Nuts, Cashew, Coconut, Hazelnut, Macadamia, Pecan, Pine Nuts, Pistachio, Walnut (Versand 11.KW, Anmeldeschluss 05.03.2025)

  • ptAUS1 Animal Species-Screening I3 Samples qualitative (with known contents): Beef, Goat, Poultry (Chicken and Duck (genus: anas or cairina)) and Sheep in Cooked Meat Product (Sausage Meat) (Versand 12.KW, Anmeldeschluss 12.03.2025)

  • ptAL03  Allergens III: Gluten (Wheat) and Milk (β-Lactoglobulin, Casein) in Infant Food (Cereal Pap with Fruit Powder) [Samples A + B] and "Spiking Level Sample“ [SP] (Versand 13.KW, Anmeldeschluss 19.03.2025)

  • ptSU02 Food Supplement II: Vitamins A, E, D2, K1, β-Carotene, Coenzyme Q10 (Ubiquinone) and Alpha Lipoic Acid in Capsule Powder (enriched / high levels) Änderung: Vitamin D3 durch Vitamin D2 ersetzt. (Versand 13.KW, Anmeldeschluss 19.03.2025)

Our PTs in March 2025: [register here]

  • ptALS1  Allergen-Screening I - 4 Samples qualitative: Almond, Brazil Nuts, Cashew, Coconut, Hazelnut, Macadamia, Pecan, Pine Nuts, Pistachio, Walnut (shipment week 11, registration deadline 05/03/2025)

  • ptAUS1 Animal Species-Screening I3 Samples qualitative (with known contents): Beef, Goat, Poultry (Chicken and Duck (genus: anas or cairina)) and Sheep in Cooked Meat Product (Sausage Meat) (shipment week 12, registration deadline 12/03/2025)

    ptAL03  Allergens III: Gluten (Wheat) and Milk (β-Lactoglobulin, Casein) in Infant Food (Cereal Pap with Fruit Powder) [Samples A + B] and "Spiking Level Sample“ [SP] (shipment week 13, registration deadline 19/03/2025)

    ptSU02 Food Supplement II: Vitamins A, E, D2, K1, β-Carotene, Coenzyme Q10 (Ubiquinone) and Alpha Lipoic Acid in Capsule Powder (enriched / high levels) Change: Vitamin D3 replaced by Vitamin D2 (shipment week 13 registration deadline 19/03/2025)

unsere LVUs im Februar 2025: [zur Anmeldung]

  • ptARW1  Allergen Rinsing Water Test I: Celery, Egg, Gluten (Wheat), Peanut and Walnut (Versand 07.KW, Anmeldeschluss 05.02.2025)

  • ptSU01 Food Supplement I: Vitamins B1, B2, B6, B12, Biotin, Vitamin C, Folic Acid , Niacin and Pantothenic Acid in Capsule Powder (enriched / high levels) (Versand 08.KW, Anmeldeschluss 12.02.2025)

  • ptAL02  Allergens II: Gluten (Wheat), Pistachio and Soya in Boiled Sausage [Samples A + B] and "Spiking Level Sample“ [SP] (Versand 09.KW, Anmeldeschluss 19.02.2025)

  • ptASW1 Allergen Swab Test I: Gluten (Wheat), Milk (β-Lactoglobulin, Casein), Mustard and Peanut (Versand 06.KW, Anmeldeschluss 29.01.2025)

Our PTs in February 2025:[register here]

  • ptARW1  Allergen Rinsing Water Test I: Celery, Egg, Gluten (Wheat), Peanut and Walnut (shipment week 07, registration deadline 05/02/2025)

  • ptSU01 Food Supplement I: Vitamins B1, B2, B6, B12, Biotin, Vitamin C, Folic Acid , Niacin and Pantothenic Acid in Capsule Powder (enriched / high levels) (shipment week 08, registration deadline 12/02/2025)

  • ptAL02  Allergens II: Gluten (Wheat), Pistachio and Soya in Boiled Sausage [Samples A + B] and "Spiking Level Sample“ [SP] (shipment week 09, registration deadline 19/02/2025)

  • ptASW1 Allergen Swab Test I: Gluten (Wheat), Milk (β-Lactoglobulin, Casein), Mustard and Peanut (shipment week 06 registration deadline 29/01/2025)

* Die Mindestteilnehmerzahl ist noch nicht erreicht. LVUs <10 Anmeldungen fallen aus oder werden verschoben, die angemeldeten Teilnehmer werden bei Anmeldeschluss informiert.

* The minimum number of participants has not yet been reached. PTs <10 registered participants will be canceled or shifted, the participants will be informed at time of deadline.

DLA - Proficiency Tests GmbH
Hauptstr. 80, 23845 Oering, Germany
Tel. +49-(0)4532-9183358 - Mob. +49-(0)171-1954375 - Fax. +49-(0)4102-9944976 - email: pt@dla-lvu.de
HOME www.dla-lvu.de